10 Dumbest Characters In Disaster Movies

4. Roy Nord - Daylight

28 Days Later

Even for the implausible standards of the disaster movie, the Sylvester Stallone-starring romp Daylight is especially ridiculous, as a New York City tunnel gets improbably caved in at both ends, forcing those inside to desperately seek a route to safety.

The movie's "villain", if it really has one, is Roy Nord (Viggo Mortensen), an hilariously arrogant sporting gear spokesperson and mountain climber who believes he can lead the survivors out of the tunnel, and naturally clashes with hero Kit Latura (Stallone).

Nord's charisma causes many of the survivors to follow him as he attempts to climb through an unstable passage.

However, his extreme confidence ultimately proves to be his undoing, as the passage collapses during his ascent, crushing him to death and triggering an explosion which also kills a nearby survivor.

Moments before his death, Nord even tells Kit, "I always make it," confirming that he's the guy who thinks he's the action hero, when really he's the mook douchebag everyone laughs at.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.