10 Dumbest Deaths In Comic Book Movies

2. Jean Grey - X-Men 2

X2 X-Men 2 Jean Grey Famke Janssen
20th Century Fox

How She Dies

Yes, comic book deaths do count. In other words, it doesn't matter that Jean is revived almost as quick as she's killed at the end of the second X-Men movie, because she very much still dies as part of her evolution into Dark Phoenix.

The whole Dark Phoenix thing happens because at the climax of X2, Jean saves the rest of the X-Men at Alkali Lake using her powers of telekinesis, holding off the wall of water from a collapsing damn long enough for them all to fly off. Then the water overcomes her and she's "killed."

Why It's Dumb

It's idiotic for a number of reasons. First and most famously, Jean should have been able to do the same thing from within the Quinjet. There's literally no reason for her to be outside. Secondly, she should be able to hold the water off because she's a ridiculously powerful mutant. And thirdly, literally three other members of the X-Men team could have helped save her.

Storm could have frozen the water, Iceman could have frozen the water or created a shell around her or an iceberg for her to float on and Nightcrawler could have teleported her away the second she stopped holding the water back successfully. It's a catalogue of idiotic mistakes.

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