10 Dumbest Decisions In Fantasy Movie History

5. Trusting Mysterio - Spider-Man: Far From Home

The Mummy

The MCU's first post-Endgame outing was 2019's Spider-Man: Far From Home, and it offered an interesting insight into a world without Iron Man.

After Stark's death, he left the world's most high-tech pair of glasses, EDITH, to Peter, believing Spider-Man worthy of the responsibility of such a sophisticated piece of technology.

After inadvertently setting killer drones on a classmate, Peter has something of a crisis. Deciding that he isn't worthy of Stark's technology, Peter decides to pass them on to new friend Quentin Beck, dubbed Mysterio by Peter's friends after they witness him battling a large Water Elemental.

Fans of Spider-Man knew from the get-go that Beck couldn't have been on the up and up, and they were right. After conning Peter into giving him EDITH, we learn that Mysterio is actually a bitter former employee of Stark hell-bent on revenge.

While falling for Mysterio's elaborate scheme wasn't really Peter's fault, trusting a relative stranger with his mentor's legacy is probably the worst decision ever made by a superhero - and that includes the time Batman decided to put nipples on his suit.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.