10 Dumbest Decisions In Fantasy Movie History

6. Anna's Memory Wipe - Frozen

The Mummy

Frozen might be one of Disney's most successful animated outings of recent years, but that doesn't excuse the absolutely awful decision that precipitated much of the movie's plot.

After young Princess Elsa hits her sister Anna with an accidental ice blast, their parents take them to the trolls in the nearby forest for some magical advice.

While the leader of the trolls counsels Elsa to learn to control her powers, her parents take it several steps further.

Not only do they dismiss most of their household staff and close the palace to visitors, they separate the inseparable sisters - but only after wiping Anna's memories of Elsa's powers, meaning that the younger sibling has no idea why she's suddenly been left almost entirely alone, without even her sister for company.

The resulting rift opens Anna's heart to the unpleasant Hans, and Elsa's isolation only serves to make her more afraid of her powers, which comes to a head at her coronation.

Luckily, the sisters manage to work it all out, but their lives certainly would have been better if their parent's hadn't overreacted so harshly when they were young.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.