10 Dumbest Decisions In The Fast And Furious Saga

2. One Last Score

The final heist of the original movie, with a trio of black Honda Civics taking on an eighteen-wheeler, is an entirely unnecessary one, the negation of which might have saved the team from injury and a life on the run, as well as Brian's career (not that it did him much damage in the long run).

The rough and ready street racing family at the core of the film turn out to be the high-speed thieves that Brian has been looking for throughout and, as the stakes get higher, both he and the FBI bear down on them.

But, as luck would have it, the team have already amassed enough money to keep them comfortable and stocked up on petrol and Corona for a very long time. Everyone but Dom is in agreement that something doesn't feel right about this particular score, and that they have made more than enough money already. Thus, this seems the ideal time to walk away.

As usual though, Dom spoils everything with his bull-headed nature, insisting they plough onwards with the plan, consequences be damned! And the rest of the crew just kind of follow suit.

It is their greed that ultimately spoils everything, turning them from underground semi-criminals to full-time wanted list candidates for the rest of their Nos-punchin' careers.


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