10 Dumbest Decisions In Zombie Movie History

The stupidest character decisions in zombie movies that basically got themselves killed.

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Variety Films

One of the chief complaints about horror movies in general is that the central characters so often act like idiots, ditching basic self-preservation logic in order to give audiences a gnarly death scene.

And while that's perhaps no truer than in the slasher genre, zombie films also boast an over-the-odds abundance of mind-bogglingly idiotic characters, who serve themselves up as undead chow through their terrible decision-making abilities.

Whether these deaths were meant to be funny or annoying - or perhaps even both - audiences were left throwing their hands up in the air at these characters who never really gave themselves a chance to survive.

From betraying the most basic survival rules of the zombie movie to exhibiting no desire at all to save their own skin, these 10 characters really set themselves up for the fall, and in some cases even doomed everyone else in the process.

These are the zombie movie characters sure to have everyone screaming at their TV, "What the hell are you doing!?," before resolving that they basically "deserved" their grim fate as a result...

10. Bill Murray's "I'm A Zombie" Prank - Zombieland

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Columbia Pictures

Zombieland's protagonist Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) may have a series of rules to ensure he stays alive during the zombie apocalypse, but Bill Murray's own creative attempt to survive ultimately led to his downfall.

When Columbus and co. stumble into a seemingly empty mansion, Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) and Wichita (Emma Stone) soon enough discover Murray to be the resident.

Hilariously, Murray has been donning zombie makeup to blend in with the undead, and attempts to play a prank on Columbus by sneaking up on him as he watches Ghostbusters, pretending to be a member of the zombie horde.

Columbus is understandably freaked and immediately shoots Murray in the chest, mortally wounding him as results in his death a short time later.

The stupidity is very much the point here, because "not playing a prank on a jumpy person holding a gun" is so obvious a rule Columbus really didn't need to write it down. Murray basically committed an elaborate, unintentional form of suicide-by-cop.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.