10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Girls In Horror Movies

4. Christine Doesn't Double-Check The Envelope - Drag Me To Hell

Scream 2 Hallie

In Sam Raimi's campy cult classic horror-comedy, beleaguered hero Christine Brown (Alison Lohman) learns that she can shift the curse placed upon her by an elderly woman by giving the cursed object - in this case a button from her coat - to somebody else.

Christine puts the button into an envelope, but when driving home with her boyfriend Clay (Justin Long), he ends up hitting a bump, sending their belongings and various paperwork flying all over the floor of the car.

A panicked Christine finds what she thinks is her envelope with the cursed button in, and then digs up the now-deceased elderly woman to re-bury her with the envelope, seemingly ending the curse once and for all.

But in the film's ending, Clay reveals that when they hit the bump in the car, she mixed up her envelope with his envelope, which contains a rare coin.

And so, Clay presents her with the envelope containing her button, meaning the curse is still active, and three-day time limit before she's dragged to Hell has just expired.

At that moment, just as advertised, Christine is dragged to Hell by demonic entities while Clay helplessly watches in terror.

Now mix-ups happen, but when you're dealing with an item that could mean your eternal damnation if you lose it, wouldn't it be smart to maybe double-check the envelope before burying it? Not very thorough for a loan officer, eh?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.