10 Dumbest Decisions Made By Final Girls In Horror Movies

5. Trish Turns Her Back On The Unconscious Killer - The Slumber Party Massacre

Scream 2 Hallie
New World Pictures

In the original 1982 Slumber Party Massacre, protagonist Trish (Michelle Michaels) and her friend Kim (Debra Deliso) barricade themselves in Trish's bedroom in an attempt to escape the clutches of mass murderer Russ Thorn (Michael Villella).

However, Russ manages to get in through a window, at which point a scuffle ensues. Even if you can forgive the fact that they both somehow don't hear him entering the room, they commit two additionally stupid acts.

Firstly, they both get up off the floor and run from Russ without picking up their knife, and secondly, after Trish knocks Russ out with a baseball bat, she fails to finish the job.

Rather than keep wailing away on Russ with the bat or better yet the knife, she and Kim start removing the barricade from the door, during which time Russ gets back to his feet and promptly stabs Kim to death.

Though Trish makes it to the end of the movie in one piece, with survival "skills" like this it's basically a damn miracle.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.