10 Dumbest Horror Movie Decisions (That People Survived)

2. Getting Pregnant During An Alien Invasion - A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place Emily Blunt
Paramount Pictures

A Quiet Place is a fantastically white-knuckle horror film which makes the absolute most of its central gimmick - that the alien creatures invading Earth hunt by sound, forcing humanity to shut up and keep quiet in order to survive.

But buying into the film's conceit requires audiences to vault over one majorly asinine character decision: protagonist Evelyn (Emily Blunt) getting pregnant after the invasion goes down.

While Evelyn and her husband Lee (John Krasinski) were clearly grieving the loss of their young son at the start of the movie, and it's certainly possible the pregnancy was an accident, there are probably more important priorities in an alien apocalypse than getting down to some contraception-free rutting, no? Keeping yourself and your remaining children safe, for one?

Though Evelyn incredibly manages to safely give birth to a healthy son, it goes without saying that a screaming baby presents yet another massive, wailing obstacle to the survival of the family unit.

Evelyn ultimately makes it through the movie in one piece, though the same can't be said for Lee, who ends up sacrificing himself to save their two other kids.

Getting pregnant while the world falls apart is a stupid enough act, whether a mistake or intentional, that it presents a major roadblock for audiences to actually sympathise with Evelyn and Lee's plight - cruel though that might seem.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.