10 Dumbest Horror Movie Decisions (That People Survived)

7. Investigating The Creeper's Lair - Jeepers Creepers

Jeepers Creepers
United Artists

Jeepers Creepers boasts an uncommonly unsettling opening sequence, as Trish Jenner (Gina Philips) and her brother Darry (Justin Long) survive not one but two tense encounters with an aggressive, taunting fellow driver.

But prior to making their escape, they briefly saw this mysterious individual drop what appeared to be a series of bloody corpses down a large pipe. At Darry's insistence, they do what no-one with even the faintest self-preservation instinct would ever do: they investigate.

Trish and Darry go to the pipe and, of course, Darry ends up falling in. This sets in motion the rest of the movie's events, where the driver reveals itself to be the monstrous Creeper, which kills a bunch of cops and eventually also Darry.

But at least Trish survives, despite tagging along with her even dopier brother to check out the murderer's lair rather than, you know, driving the hell out of dodge and notifying the cops a few towns over.

Though the film makes a half-hearted attempt to lampshade the stupidity - Trish acknowledges that investigating the pipe is "the part in scary movies when somebody does something really stupid" - it's still pointlessly cavalier behaviour, even for a pair of young college students.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.