10 Dumbest Movie Plot Twists Of 2014

3. Lee Killed Merrin - Horns

The Twist: Daniel Radcliffe is magically given horns when his girlfriend is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect. Obviously he didn't do it (because he's Harry Potter), so, in between flashbacks galore and some odd comedic sojourns (the film even has a horny pun), Ignatius (it's smart because it means "fiery one") sets out to find out who did. Turns out it was Lee, his childhood best friend and the lawyer actually trying to get him off the murder charges, that did it. Why It's So Dumb: As with Transformers and Before I Go To Sleep, Horns' big reveal is one made painfully obvious ahead of time thanks to a small pool of characters - Lee is the only one who could have killed her - but that's not what makes it so dumb. Horns has a genre-juggling approach from the start, straddling several different movie types, but the twist pushes things too far - Lee suddenly becomes an indestructible killer in the vein of Jason Vorhees or Michael Myers. It's fine for the mild-mannered guy to have a dark rapist underside, but that's stretching the limits of credibility, even in a movie where Daniel Radcliffe sprouts horns. Speaking of the horns, the murderer reveal manages to completely distract the movie from the actual question the audience wants answering - why does Ig get the horns in the first place? That integral plot point is lost in favour of Max Minghella shooting a gay policeman.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.