10 Dumbest Movie Reboots Ever

7. The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008)

The Mummy
20th Century Fox

The original The Day the Earth Stood Still is a genuine sci-fi classic. It's a thought-provoking film that resonates to this day with its high-minded and intellectual analysis of the state of humanity as a disease in the universe. It is the kind of film that has inspired practically every sci-fi film that has come since, so a reboot of such a film would need to be incredibly well-made and really something special in order to even get made.

Or it could just be money. Lots and lots of money.

This reboot manages to lose everything that was special about the original film. The producers clearly just watched the opening sequence of the original film, where Gort disintegrates the soldiers' guns, and said 'let's do that'. Thus, the vast majority of the film seems to be focused on increasingly unnecessary wanton destruction.

It takes a great film, a great cast, and a great director and pisses it all away in favor of a spineless effects extravaganza with a script that essentially takes the central premise of the original film and updates it for modern audiences by making it much, much dumber.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.