10 Dumbest "Smart" Movies Ever Made

8. The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is another film that really played up its social relevance in the build up to its release. It was suggested that this was going to be a clever film, with allusions to the banking crisis. In reality, though, the movie isn€™t nearly as smart as it wants us to think. Notably, there are some huge gaps of logic in The Dark Knight Rises. Commissioner Gordon makes the dunce-level decision to send almost the entire police department in the sewers, for example. And then there€™s the scene when Bruce somehow knows the exact location of the café that Alfred mentioned that one time. Worse than that, the stock exchange scene was something of a let down, too. Rather than real social commentary, we get a generic armed robbery scene with little logical sense behind it. Surely, with 100s of witnesses and camera footage to prove that Bruce hadn€™t made the transactions, the fraud would have been proven very quickly, and Bruce€™s company kept safe. While this isn€™t exactly a plot hole €“ it€™s more of a flawed logic moment €“ it just proves that trying to be clever can sometimes make your film look dumb. By trying to make a big statement about the modern world, Christopher Nolan ended up with an irritatingly jarring scene in the middle of his movie.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.