10 Dumbest "Smart" Movies Ever Made

7. Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness had a promotional campaign stuffed full of 9/11 imagery (notably the Enterprise crashing into a populous area). Clearly, we were meant to think of this as a politically relevant, highly intelligent addition to the Star Trek franchise. Instead, we got a film with more idiotic moments than most. We see Khan somehow beam from one planet to another (nullifying the whole point of spaceships), and later his blood is used to resurrect Captain Kirk (suggesting that anyone killed in the future of Star Trek can be saved with a simple blood transfusion). Yes, the Enterprise does crash, and some of the stylistic decisions do invoke the idea of modern day terrorism, but that isn€™t enough to justify presenting your movie as big and clever, and then actually delivering something filled with silly logic. And of course, there€™s the decision to make John Harrison secretly Khan. Behind the scenes, that was surely perceived as a smart decision that the fans would love. In reality, it was actually a fairly rubbish moment, as the score went all dramatic, and the camera pulled in, and Benedict Cumberbatch hammily sneered a name that meant absolutely nothing to any of the other characters and everything to the fans who had known it all along.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.