10 Dumbest "Smart" Movies Ever Made

4. Avatar

Avatar perceives itself as having a strong ecological message. Ask pretty much anyone you meet (lest we forget that this is the biggest blockbuster of all time), and they€™ll tell you that the exploitation of fossil fuels is the defining underlying subtext of the movie. However, the way in which these themes are explored verges on idiocy. There is literally an element called €˜Unobtainium€™, for crying out loud. I€™ve seen more storytelling nuance in a colouring book. By being so on-the-nose about its eco subtext, the film treats us all like fools incapable of understanding subtlety. There€™s also the fact that Avatar is hugely derivative. When witnessing elements of Dances With Wolves and Pocahontas rehashed before our eyes, it€™s difficult to think of Avatar as an intelligent film that actually has any new or important to say. This is dumbness parading as cleverness, yet again. You also get to witness some stellar stupidity from the Na€™vi characters. After the battle with the humans is done, rather than imprisoning them or making some kind of peace treaty, they just send them back home. Back to where their weapons are kept. Where they can plot their next attack. Sure, that probably happens to enable the next film, but it doesn€™t make it any less stupid.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.