10 Dumbest Star Wars Movie Moments

8. Ewoks Defeat The Storm Troopers

ewokThe Moment: Han, Chewy and Leia are leading a team of rebels to take down a shield generator on the forest moon of Endor. Just as they are surrounded by storm troopers and everything looks hopeless, the Ewok tribe comes to the rescue and defeats the storm troopers by throwing rocks at them and bashing them with little clubs. Why it's Dumb:This scene is basically the equivalent of a bunch of vertically-challenged Neanderthals taking on a heavily armed SWAT team and winning. Is it really feasible to suggest that a two-foot tall teddy bear can generate enough power in a throw to kill an armoured human with a rock? Or bash a fully grown man's brains in with a club? It may be worth noting that in the development stage this scene was slightly more realistic; Endor was originally meant to be the home of the Wookees (in fact the word Ewok itself is simply a reversal of the syllables of Wookee).

Josh Fox hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.