10 Dumbest Things In The Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy

8. Padme's Bizarre Shirt Rip

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Padme Anakin

Don't you just hate it when a terrifying alien cat swings its claws at you and inadvertently leaves you with a sexy variation of your favourite outfit?

After managing to keep the rather creepy nexu at bay for a spell within the Petranaki Arena, poor Padmé Amidala is horrifically slashed by the beastie in the lead-up to the first battle of Geonosis in Attack of the Clones. But in a move that has only become dumber by the year, not only was the former Queen of Naboo left with some nasty gashes on her back here, her outfit was also conveniently altered, too.

After being caught by the nails of the alien creature, the entire bottom half of Amidala's top swiftly disappears, unnecessarily exposing Natalie Portman's stomach in what looked to be a painfully obvious attempt to spice up her look for the battle to come.

Amidala should have been in absolute agony after being horrifically swiped by the deadly being from here on out. Instead, she was left with a few scratches and an exposed midriff because Lucas and co. wanted to please the horny teens in attendance.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...