10 Dumbest Things In The Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy

7. Anakin's Inconsistent Arm

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Padme Anakin

In what would ultimately become the first step towards Anakin Skywalker becoming more machine than man, the eventual Darth Vader shockingly gets his arm sliced off by Count Dooku towards the end of Attack of the Clones.

It's evident in this excruciating moment that young Skywalker's limb has been chopped off from above the elbow, right? Only, when you jump forward a film to Revenge of the Sith, someone clearly forgot to rewatch Episode II before shooting the scene involving the Jedi waking up from a nightmare.

As Skywalker suddenly wakes beside Padmé in Episode III, he sits up to reveal his cybernetic arm is now only attached from below the elbow.

So, either Anakin remarkably learned how to grow back a decent chunk of his cut off arm, someone wasn't keeping an eye on robo-arm continuity, or Lucas and the gang just foolishly decided to commit to one injury before awkwardly realising they wanted a slightly less robotic Skywalker for ROTS and hoped no one would notice the bizarre inconsistency.

But we did!

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...