10 Dumbest Things In The Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy

4. Choosing Anakin To Protect Padme Amidala

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Padme Anakin

It was pretty clear within the opening 30 minutes of Attack of the Clones that the young and somewhat cocky Anakin Skywalker had quite the crush on Padmé Amidala.

But despite these evident feelings towards her and never having been trusted with a solo mission before, the Jedi Council still hilariously thought it would be a good idea to entrust the 'Chosen One' as her bodyguard in Episode II - even with Obi-Wan's hesitancy about the situation.

Admittedly, Anakin was seen as a friend of Amidala's, with the Jedi likely assuming she'd feel more comfortable with a Force-sensitive pal by her side than any other member of the Order. However, that still doesn't change the fact that throwing an impulsive and obviously infatuated youngster into a position where he would largely be on his own with the senator, was always a bit of a risk.

Just think how different the galaxy would have been had Master Plo Koon been tasked with keeping an eye on Padmé instead, eh? There'd be a bit less sandy dialogue at least.

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