10 Dumbest Villain Plans In Movies

1. Assassinating The Deputy Secretary - Red Eye

Julianne Moore Kingsman

Wes Craven's Red Eye is a mostly taut little thriller, albeit a fundamentally ridiculous one given the laughably convoluted nature of the villains' plan.

A domestic terrorist cell is plotting to assassinate Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Charles Keefe (Jack Scalia), but rather than simply infiltrate Homeland Security and have somebody shoot or poison him, they've got an altogether more absurd idea.

The plan? Put one of your assassins, Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy), on the same plane as Lisa Reisert (Rachel McAdams), the manager of the hotel where Keefe and his family are staying.

Then have Rippner coerce her into changing Keefe's room to another one, which is better aligned with a missile that the terrorists have aimed at it from the harbour.

Considering that politicians are routinely wounded or even killed in real life with guns, this seems like a thunderous case of overkill. And more to the point, why fuss around with the nonsense of switching the hotel rooms when you could just... blow the entire hotel up?

As entertaining as Red Eye is, the bad guys really took the scenic route on their apparently urgent mission, huh?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.