10 Dumbest Villain Plans In Movies

2. Pitting Batman Against Superman - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Julianne Moore Kingsman
Warner Bros.

While Lex Luthor has had his fair share of suspect plans throughout the years - most often involving a real estate scam of some kind - Batman v Superman somehow takes the cake.

In this film, Luthor's (Jesse Eisenberg) plan is so bizarre and vague that even trying to recount it is liable to give you a migraine.

Basically, Luthor frames Superman (Henry Cavill) for an explosion at a congressional hearing in order to build up further anti-Superman sentiment.

This especially stokes the ire of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), who Lex secretly allows to break into LexCorp HQ and steal his kryptonite in order to build weaponry to take on the Man of Steel.

And then, because of something involving fathers and Gods, he pits the two directly against one another, ordering Superman to kill Batman in exchange for his mother Martha's (Diane Lane) life.

And while this misunderstanding could've easily been solved with a conversation, Bats and Supes do admittedly fight... for all of about five minutes before deciding to team up and take down Luthor.

Luthor at least has a back-up plan, albeit one no-less dumb, given that it involves him siccing Doomsday, a genetically engineered monster comprised of his own and General Zod's (Michael Shannon) DNA, on the pair.

By this point the carnage attracts enough attention that Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) gets involved, and the trio of heroes eventually foil Luthor's plan - albeit at the (temporary) cost of Superman's life.

If the intent here was to portray Lex as a super-genius, it fell totally flat: treating Batman and Superman like total morons while believing he could control a monstrosity like Doomsday was a double-dose of dumb.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.