10 Dumbest Villain Plans In Movies

6. Finkle Has A Sex Change - Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Julianne Moore Kingsman
Warner Bros.

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective certainly isn't a film to be taken one iota seriously, but that doesn't mean its villain's ploy isn't extremely silly, even for something this daft.

As it turns out, the secret antagonist is Miami P.D. Lieutenant Lois Einhorn (Sean Young), who is eventually revealed to be a transgender woman.

Einhorn's birth identity was Miami Dolphins football player Ray Finkle - the very man Ace (Jim Carrey) has been pursuing for most of the movie while investigating the disappearance of the Dolphins' porpoise mascot, Snowflake.

Years earlier, Finkle missed a fairly simple field-goal kick at the Super Bowl, causing the Dolphins' loss and Finkle's career to be ruined. He blamed quarterback Dan Marino for holding the ball "laces in" before he kicked it, and sought revenge against him.

Yet rather than merely murder Marino, Finkle concocted a totally unhinged, wildly convoluted revenge ploy which involved having a sex change, killing the real Einhorn and taking her identity, working her way up through Miami P.D., and then kidnapping both Snowflake and Marino to coincide with the very Super Bowl where the Dolphins were now playing.

You have to admire the creativity and commitment, but Finkle/Einhorn also let Marino live rent-free in their heads for like an entire decade, when they could've just killed him at the time and been done with it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.