10 Dumbest Villain Plans In Movies

5. Silva's Hopelessly Convoluted Revenge - Skyfall

Julianne Moore Kingsman
Sony Pictures Releasing

Skyfall is a ludicrously entertaining movie, albeit one that breaks down if you give it too much thought, given the impossibly convoluted nature of villain Raoul Silva's (Javier Bardem) revenge plot.

Much like those delicately laid plans set by the likes of The Joker (Heath Ledger) in The Dark Knight and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) in The Avengers, Silva's scheme is a meticulous-yet-fragile house of cards that requires so many unlikely events to go in his favour for it to succeed.

Silva spends the first half of the movie leading 007 (Daniel Craig) on a breadcrumb-following chase until he finally lures him to an abandoned island off the coast of Macau.

But Bond "surprises" Silva by arriving with backup, leading to Silva being arrested and imprisoned back in London.

Yet of course, Silva planned to get captured all along, and when Q (Ben Whishaw) attempts to decrypt Silva's laptop - bafflingly without an airgap - it grants him access to MI6's servers and allows him to escape.

He's then able to perfectly time an explosion to send a tube train in Bond's direction, reconvene with his mercenaries, and stage an assassination attempt on M (Judi Dench).

Ultimately Silva does succeed in killing M at the end of the film, but he sure went about it in a wildly over-the-top - if obscenely entertaining - way. Skyfall certainly establishes Silva as an unhinged character with a death wish, but even so, if even one aspect of his plan had failed, he would've been screwed.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.