10 Dumbest Villain Plans In Movies

3. Using A Hurricane To Cover A Heist - The Hurricane Heist

Julianne Moore Kingsman
Entertainment Studios Motion Pictures

In the winner of the What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Olympics, we have the glorious schlock-fest that is The Hurricane Heist.

This card-carrying B-movie is centered around Connor Perkins (Ralph Ineson), a corrupt Federal Reserve Treasury employee who plots to steal $600 million from the Treasury.

Getting the money out of the vault is no picnic itself, but the true hard part is getting away clean, given that such a theft would immediately see the full force of the U.S. Army coming down upon you.

But Perkins has cooked up an "ingenious" diversion, by arranging for the heist to take place when a category five hurricane is scheduled to hit the town of Gulfport, in turn allowing him and his cohorts to make a swift getaway. In theory, at least.

It's another example of a plan that trades practicality for creativity, given that hurricanes are of course extremely dangerous and unpredictable, not to mention that Perkins ends up facing far more resistance than expected from everyday heroes.

In an outcome everyone but Perkins could've seen coming, he's eventually killed during the hurricane when he's crushed by the trailer from one of his own trucks. Poetic.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.