10 Dystopian Movie Futures You Really Wouldn't Want To Live In
Too often the future is depicted as a horrible experience for everyone involved.
A dystopian future is a well-worn setting for many science fiction films, simply because there's a tremendous amount of potential to be explored. It's a way to warn audiences about the ramifications of our current behavior, and what a slippery slope the progression of human history can be. You don't normally see too many utopian futures in science fiction films -- we're too cynical for that. There's something intrinsically frightening about the future, that we can't help but be drawn to the type of films that depict the worst possible future for humanity. But despite the potential government interference and/or alien overlords, its only natural that some dystopian futures would be better or worse than others for the average person. In some, maybe if you're a big hero of the rebellion your life might be a little difficult, but the average baker or garbageman wouldn't face too many more problems than they do now. But then there are others that just seem like quite frankly a horrible experience for everyone involved. Here are a few that wed like to give a hard pass on.