10 Early Predictions For 2018's Best Picture Oscar Nominees

5. Darkest Hour

Darkest Hour Gary Oldman
Focus Features

Why It Will Be Nominated: It's a prestige biopic about Winston Churchill starring a near-unrecognisable Gary Oldman, directed by Joe Wright (the Best Picture-nominated Atonement) and written by Anthony McCarten (the Best Picture-nominated The Theory of Everything).

It's full-tilt Oscar bait, which is always going to work in its favour, and from the trailer released to date, it looks like it just might be the good kind after all.

Why It Might Not: Wright is a pretty hit-and-miss director in fairness, with everything post-Atonement ranging from decent to absolutely terrible. It's also possible the end result may simply be too stuffy for the Academy to bite, or perhaps Oldman will end up going full ham and sinking the entire thing (not likely).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.