10 Easily Solved Movie Moral Dilemmas

1. Friend Zone Your Daughter - Oldboy

OldboyThe Dilemma: Oh Dae-su is freed after having been kept in captivity for 15 years for an unspecified crime. While seeking out his former captors, he falls for a local chef much younger than himself, only to discover that, after embarking on a sexual relationship with her, that she is, in fact, his daughter. He has himself hypnotised at the end of the film to forget this horrible truth, though when he meets up with his daughter at the end, the ambiguous final shot suggests that the hypnotism did not work, and that on some level, he still knows. The dilemma - does he tell her the truth, or simply live on in anguish? The Solution: Unknown. The film leaves it up to us. How It Should Have Been Solved: Let's face it, once you've done that to your daughter, you're never going to have a normal relationship, so you may as well write her off, because telling her the truth is really not going to help things. Instead, slowly give her the cold shoulder, eventually placing her in the friend zone and then cutting contact completely. Simple. Got any other solutions to these moral dilemmas? Am I over-simplifying complex problems? Sound off in the comments section below!

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.