10 Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice In Marvel Phase 2

8. Peter Quill's "Sex Crime" - Guardians Of The Galaxy Trailer

Within moments of the first trailer launching for Guardians of the Galaxy back in February, Marvel obsessives were busy dissecting every frame and morsel of our first glimpse at James Gunn's barmy space opera. One of the most-discussed images is the perp line-up of Chris Pratt's protagonist, Peter Quill aka Star-Lord: a closer inspection of the file text at the bottom left-hand area of the screen reveals among his listed transgressions, "1 count sex crime, illegal manipulation of Gramosian Duchess". Naturally, this caused many to wonder if this meant that our heroic Star-Lord was, in fact, a rapist? To dampen any potential PR disaster, Gunn quickly took to Facebook to calm things down, declaring, "Just to explain, Quill was seduced by the Duchess and, as anyone who has been to Gramos knows, it€™s illegal for regular folk to be intimate with royalty there. So there you go." Thankfully, it can be left as a sly reference to the further world of Guardians of the Galaxy rather than something more sinister...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.