10 Embarrassing Comic Book Movies That Ruined Beloved Characters

9. Doomsday - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016)

Jonah Hex 2010
Warner Bros.

The surprise third act villain from the "interesting" Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, this inclusion was such a let-down for fans because of the way that the character is robbed of everything that made the character so interesting in the first place.

One of the few characters that can put Superman down for good, Doomsday is meant to be one of the most intimidating and ruthless villains that Superman has ever faced. This is not the case here, however, as rushed, unconvincing CGI coupled with the fact the character is only tacked on to the final half-hour of the movie for fan service meant that Doomsday went from a terrifying behemoth to a pitiful computer-generated blob faster than you can say "Martha."

Besides looking the part, Doomsday is renowned for, you know, actually being able to kill the Man of Steel. But then Justice League (2017) came around, and it turns out that he couldn't even get that part f**king right.

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