10 Embarrassing Comic Book Movies That Ruined Beloved Characters

8. Galactus - Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer (2007)

Jonah Hex 2010

The idea to turn one of the most powerful and feared Marvel villains into an ominous space cloud must have been the weirdest proposal during the pitch for this movie.

Weirder still is that other humans approved of the idea, and so we are left with this. Granted, the argument could be made that leaving Galactus as a pink and blue 28-foot tall man may have been vetoed for the sake of "realism", but this is the same movie whose main characters are an orange rock guy, invisible lady, candle man and a human Stretch Armstrong. Realism was never meant to be a part of this.

Having Galactus be a semi-sentient space fart instead of the actual cosmic being he is meant to be again removes the intimidation factor that the character is meant to have, as well as making Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer more silly than it already was. This movie is definitely a shining example of how sticking to the weirdness of the comic books would have helped a lot more.

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