10 Endings Stephen King Actually Got Right

7. Gerald's Game

Stephen King Gerald's Game

Before the recent Mike Flanagan adaptation, Gerald's Game was not one of the more popular novels in King's repertoire, yet it is a fantastic read with a truly spine-tingling ending.

The titular Game is that Jessie is handcuffed, by her husband, to the bed in a bid to spice up their sex life. However, Gerald suffers a heart attack, dying and leaving Jessie in a... difficult position, to say the least.

The book is enthralling, holding the reader's attention as Jessie suffers from dehydration and hallucinations, building toward a gruesome third act. The book is a story of Jessie's determination and will to survive. Her escape, by slashing the flesh of her hand so badly that it peels away almost as a glove would, is both awful and fantastic, proving her resilience in the face of death.

Gerald's Game is one of King's better stories, one only helped by the Netflix film.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick