20th Century FoxPick up a mainstream superhero comic book and its likely that roughly a quarter of any given issue will be occupied by a lengthy fight. The public appetite for superheroic beat downs hasnt diminished since Superman was punching Nazis in the war years, and now that its spilled over onto the silver screen, each summer brings more contenders for the most entertaining fight scene of the comic book movie era. The scenes in this article arent necessarily the biggest or the loudest, and most arent the final showdown of the film; they arent out to pack an emotional punch or tie up narrative loose ends. Instead, theyre a showcase for creativity in dialogue and action, and often theyre the scenes whichll be remembered once next summers crop of adaptations rolls around, even if the film as a whole failed to impress. Like every popular genre, comic book movies can be formulaic, but that doesnt mean they arent capable of breathtaking originality. These are the scenes which made you smile like a little kid in a sweet shop with some pocket money to spend, and with any luck, they still do.