10 Epic Comic Book Movie Castings That Must Happen In 2016

8. Matt Damon - Commissioner James Gordon

Granted, it's been said that James "Jim" Gordon won't be part of the new DC canon in order to make room for new characters and scenarios. That said, there's still a chance that a) this could turn out to be a falsehood and b) Gordon could appear in a flashback variety come time for Ben Affleck's solo Batman movie in 2019. Because it's likely that this universe's incarnation of Gordon is deceased, having been killed in the line of duty. Who better, then, to play Flashback Gordon than Ben Affleck's buddy Matt Damon? Crazy suggestion? Maybe. Then again, Affleck and Damon are best friends in real life, and their relationship would almost certainly carry over onto the big screen in a brilliant way. Because, above all, aren't Batman and Gordon supposed to be an unstoppable team? What better way to showcase that than with two actual best friends with a real history? Worried that Damon wouldn't get involved with a cameo appearance, though? Think again! Despite his A-list status, Damon still appeared in a small capacity in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar. And if Affleck ends up directing the movie, he's the best chance of bringing his own best friend onto the set. Admit it: you're sold with this idea now, aren't you? Yes.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.