10 Epic Comic Book Movie Castings That Must Happen In 2016

7. Tom Hiddleston - The Sandman/Dream/Morpheus

Best known for his role as Loki within the realms of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tom Hiddleston arguably plays everybody's favourite character. There's something deliciously Shakespearean about Hiddleston's snark-infused bad guy, whose comically malevolent tendencies have him poised halfway between undecided anti-hero and outright villain. And then there's Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who is currently mounting an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's insanely ambitious comic book series The Sandman. No use trying to explain the premise here, save for the fact that the titular character - also known as Morpheus - is a "anthropomorphic personification of dreams." He's depicted as tall, thin, with black hair. At first, creator Neil Gaiman said he envisioned Benedict Cumberbatch in the role, but since Ben's casting as Doctor Strange, he had to reconsider. "Tom Hiddleston is still out there," Gaiman added. "And the truth is, as far as I'm concerned, anybody who sounds English with great cheekbones can probably pull it off." Not too fussy, then, Neil? Well, whatever: Hiddleston is the perfect choice for the character of Sandman; fingers crossed that come 2016, we hear that he's been cast in what could be his greatest role.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.