7. GoldenEye
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVmHgf3u1PQ James Bond is no stranger to sexual innuendo - and Bond girls in particular are often subject to not-so-subtle gestures, in particular their names, which have included such gems as Kissy Suzuki, Holly Goodhead, and of course, Pussy Galore. Bond has participated in many sexy scenes with his ladies, but none quite as hot - literally - as the one in GoldenEye. In the film, villainess Xenia Onatopp ambushes Bond at the pool. He throws her into the sauna and interrogates her at gunpoint; subsequently, the two begin to tussle, a glistening, sweat-filled physical altercation that alternates between fighting and flirting. "You don't need the gun," exclaims Xenia at one point. "That depends on your definition of safe sex," Bond retorts. Sexiest Moment: When Xenia throws Bond on the massage table, straddling his body and moaning with pleasure... as she constricts him with her vice grip legs.
Oren Soffer
Oren Soffer is currently a Junior majoring in Film/Television production at NYU Tisch School of the Arts. He has been harboring and fostering a love and passion for cinema since early childhood. Though he mainly focuses on making movies these days, he still enjoys writing about them as well.
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