10 Essential 2015 Movies You Might've Missed (So Far)

8. Wild Tales

Anthology movies are, by their very nature, prone to unevenness - with Wild Tales, Damián Szifron directs each segment with enough visual flair and thematic consistency to ensure that at no point does the film derail. A waitress attempts to poison the loan shark who destroyed her family; an incident of road rage escalates completely out of control; an argument over an alleged case of illegal parking builds up to an explosive climax - Wild Tales sits in that great tradition of days gone horribly wrong, where the seemingly innocent become downtrodden to the point of snapping. There's a streak of black humour running through Wild Tales which is sharpened by the broad satirical swipes at everything from faceless bureaucracy to the way in which the rich and powerful consider themselves above the law. More than a few moments will make you laugh out loud, too.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.