10 Essential Marvel Villains Not Yet Used In The MCU

6. Magneto

Doctor Doom Thumbnail
Marvel Comics

Magneto has been a villain in one way or another in six of Fox's X-Men movies, and whether played by Sir Ian McKellen or Michael Fassbender, he has always been a charismatic, intriguing character.

With powers that would render all of Tony Stark's Iron Man suits redundant, Magneto would be a force to be reckoned with in the MCU. Following the Fox version of the character would be a tough ask, as both the McKellen and Fassbender versions were so well loved, but Marvel did manage to take a character as popular as Spider-Man and make it work within the shared universe only two years after his last big screen appearance.

Though the villain is naturally connected with the X-Men, there is already an established route into the MCU without the need for Xavier's team, and that is Magneto's daughter from the comics - Wanda Maximoff.

Scarlet Witch, before falling victim to Thanos' snap, was already damanged and completely unstable after suffering the losses of her family, her home, her brother, and her love. Assuming she recovers from the Thanos' attack, seeing her maniacal father seemingly return from the grave could cause her to snap, resulting in a family battle the likes of which the MCU has never seen.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.