10 Essential Marvel Villains Not Yet Used In The Movies

2. Carnage

Carnage Spider-Man

Why He's Awesome: Yes, Carnage may essentially be a Venom spin-off, but what takes him one step further is his unrepentant insanity: the host is psychopathic serial killer Cletus Kasady, who lacks the morality of Venom and was in fact modelled after The Joker. Always a good start.

Carnage is stronger than both Spider-Man and Venom combined, and it's taken their collective efforts to bring him under control. In addition to retaining most of Venom's abilities, Carnage can also create weapons out of his body temporarily. Weakness-wise, however, sound can disrupt the symbiote (much like Venom, albeit less so), and he is extremely sensitive to fire, which has been used to defeat him numerous times.

How Likely Is He?: Even though fans have been crying out for Carnage to hit the big screen for years, he's probably too similar to Venom for Sony or Marvel Studios to want to take the risk. Then again, Venom was almost a decade ago now, and Sony even rebooted the entire Spider-Man saga just a decade after the original, so they could probably get away with "Red Venom" if they wanted to. We certainly wouldn't say no. 4/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.