10 Essential Movies On Netflix You've Probably Missed

5. Down Terrace

Perhaps one of the greatest British filmmakers working today you've probably never heard of is Ben Wheatley - recently he directed the incredibly trippy A Field In England, hot on the heels of his brilliant genre-busting horror movie Kill List. His directorial debut - the micro budget thriller Down Terrace - is available on Netflix (along with Kill List) and demonstrates his knack for excellent characterisation early on. Down Terrace centres around a highly dysfunctional family who earn a crust on the wrong side of the law, for whom paranoia and betrayal are all in a day's work. Uniformly excellent performances from Robert Hill, Robin Hill and Julia Deakin (eagle-eyed viewers might remember her as the chocolate-covered lover in I'm Alan Partidge) bring Wheatley's witty script to life. His upcoming adaptation of J. G. Ballard's novel High Rise should be essential viewing.
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