10 Essential Movies Quentin Tarantino Demands You See

1. Badlands

Tarantino's movies are full of homages to his favourite movies - in the case of Reservoir Dogs virtually the entire film is a mash-up of influences, not least the previously cited City On Fire by Ringo Lam. With his screenplay for the Tony Scott-directed True Romance, Tarantino wrote the voice over for Alabama Whitman (Patricia Arquette) as an overt nod towards the Badlands character Holly Sargis (Sissy Spacek) - beyond this, both True Romance and Badlands share a similar theme of young lovers on the wrong side of the law going on the run. The films of Quentin Tarantino and Terrence Malick often feel like they exist worlds apart, and yet while many of Tarantino's fans are unlikely to be enamoured with Malick's meditative, often cryptic style of film making, when it comes to great directors few are so widely recognised for their incredible talent. What other films has Quentin Tarantino spoken highly of? Why not tell us about them in the comments?

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