10 Essential Movies Quentin Tarantino Demands You See

4. Taxi Driver

Some of the similarities between Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese are striking - both use compilation scores to great effect, both depict violence in a heightened, intensified manner (or undercut it with gallows humour) and both draw heavily on their love of cinema and try out different genres. Tarantino's personal favourite of Martin Scorsese's movies is Taxi Driver, a film which wallows in the squalor of a city on the brink of moral collapse as Travis Bickle's PTSD loses his mind. "It may be the greatest first person character study ever committed to film," Tarantino observed, going on to say how he can't think of anything which even comes close. Robert de Niro would later go on to appear in Tarantino's Jackie Brown, which presumably pleased the fan boy lurking inside Tarantino no end.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.