10 Essential Spider-Man Storylines That Should Be Made Into Movies

2. Superior Spider-Man

Superior Spider-Man Cover article Superior Spider-Man is by far one of the most interesting Spider-Man storylines the character has had in his 50+ year history. A dying Doc Ock switches minds and bodies with Peter Parker and becomes a better Spider-Man than Peter ever was - a Superior Spider-Man! Meanwhile Peter "dies" but remains in the back of Ock's mind as he watches Otto assume his identity and take over his life. Arguably one of the biggest problems the last Spider-Man movie had was its bland story which we'd seen before. It didn't have anything really fresh to offer and Superior Spider-Man is nothing but freshness. A new angle to Spider-Man, making him more ruthless, more cunning, and shows how a real genius can make Spider-Man the most effective crime-fighter in the Marvel Universe. Superior has had nothing but amazing storylines since it began from Spidey toppling Kingpin's Shadowland, to the introduction of Spider-Man 2099 into the Marvel 616 Universe, to Superior Venom, and the incredible Raft Prison storyline where Spider Slayer escapes and releases all the prisoners - with only Spidey to stop them! Traditional Spider-Man fans will probably hate having Otto step in and be Spidey, even for one movie just like they've disliked the Superior storyline from the start, but it'd make Spider-Man a much more interesting figure, albeit temporarily, and give us a unique storyline we've never seen before on the big screen.

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