10 Essential Spider-Man Storylines That Should Be Made Into Movies

8. Kraven's Last Hunt

Kravens Last Hunt1 If you thought having a Spidey villain dress as Spider-Man was a new concept in Superior Spider-Man, you haven't read this comic from the 80s where Kraven the Hunter "kills" Spider-Man and then becomes him for a while. Except, like Doc Ock years later, he believes what makes him a better Spider-Man is his willingness to kill criminals rather than put them into the system and rehabilitate them. Kraven's a character we haven't seen yet in the movies but he's an interesting chap. If he makes it into the movies, I doubt they'd give him the animal fur outfit because it's too interesting and fun - they'll probably give him an expensive dark suit or something instead. But the whole Russian nobleman/hunter out to take down the deadliest prey: Spider-Man, is a strong storyline that'd make for a decent movie. There's also the iconic look to seeing Spidey emerge from the grave while wearing the black Spider-Man outfit that'd look great on the big screen. The story's filled with lots of action set pieces as another villain, Vermin, tangles with both Spidey and Kraven (Cap's in this one too but he'll be dropped from the movie version - different studios and whatnot). Kraven could appear in cameos in other Spider-Man movies before taking centre-stage in The Last Hunt, but either way he's one of the great Spider-Man villains who deserves some screen time.

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