10 Essential Spider-Man Storylines That Should Be Made Into Movies

9. Venom/Flash Thompson

Flash Flash There isn't one definitive Venom storyline that stands out as the obvious choice but the current Marvel NOW! incarnation of Venom with Flash Thompson as the host is brilliant. At the moment, Flash/Venom are a one-man black ops team who've served on the Secret Avengers line-up and are doing their own Punisher-esque thing of taking out bad guys with lethal force. Flash's own story would be a compelling one. Rather than retell the abysmal One More Day storyline, pick out Flash's story of enlisting in the US Army, going to Iraq, losing his legs, and then bonding with the symbiote which gives him his legs back. It's a current and relevant scenario that allows filmmakers to make their movie more grounded and make the superhero stuff more spectacular as a result. Flash's army experience coupled with the Venom symbiote makes him a compelling hero and there are numerous directions you could go with that. Eddie Brock's Venom was too limited and dull €“ just look at 2007's Spider-Man 3 for proof. Flash Thompson Venom would be an amazing addition to the series and would make for some fantastic team-ups with Spidey as well as his own solo stuff.

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