10 Essential Spider-Man Villains Not Yet Used In The Movies

7. Mr. Negative

Hobgoblin Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

One of the things which makes Spider-Man so relatable is that of all the big name Marvel heroes, he's the one most focused on street crime. While the likes of Captain America, Iron Man and the Fantastic Four almost exclusively fight super-villains and cosmic deities, Spider-Man is more likely to be found stopping muggings than battling homicidal aliens.

And with Into the Spider-Verse already using Kingpin (brilliantly) and Tombstone (poorly), the stage is clear for Mr. Negative to swoop in and become the next addition to Spidey's cinematic canon. The massively popular Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4 introduced the dual-natured gangster to the mainstream audience, giving him huge name recognition for a relatively new villain.

His photo-negative appearance would look remarkably striking on screen as well, especially if he appeared in an animated movie like the aforementioned Into the Spider-Verse. Given how good he looked on the PS4, Sony's animation department should have a field day with him.

Actually, Mr. Negative would make a great villain for Spot to work for in a Spider-Verse movie! Well, that's the plot of Into the Spider-Verse 3 done and dusted. You're welcome, Sony.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.