10 Essential Spider-Man Villains Not Yet Used In The Movies

6. Morlun

Hobgoblin Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

Morlun makes his way onto the list purely on the strength of his elevator pitch: "Spider-Man fights the Terminator".

Kyle Reese's iconic speech describing the Terminator's M.O. fits Morlun to a tee. Morlun is a parasitic energy vampire that can't be reasoned with, bargained with, doesn't feel pity or remorse and absolutely will not stop until his target is dead.

The concept of an implacable foe hunting Peter Parker across New York would make for a genuinely unique Spider-Man film. Anyone who has ever been bullied at school could easily identify with Peter's struggle as he tries to escape Morlun - a physical powerhouse who knows the rules don't apply to him, and revels in it.

Watching Peter turn the tables on his oppresor in the final act would be an immensely cathartic experience. Spider-man has always been a paean to life's underdogs, and watching Peter's tenacity and intelligence overcome the toxic brawn of Morlun would be an uplifting reminder of Spider-Man's roots - the bullied kid who fought back.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.