10 Essentials For A Deadpool Movie

2 The Suit

redblack This seems like a no-brainer, doesn€™t it? Well, you€™d be surprised how easily a no-brainer can be overlooked.
But certain travesties aside, comic book movies largely feel the urge to modify a characters iconic look for the screen. S&M X-Men anyone? How about Batman? Even The Amazing Spiderman had a web-less costume. But Deadpool, you can€™t half-ass it €“ he€™s already been half-assed and look what happened. If a Deadpool movie is to succeed we need to be able to look at him and say €˜That€™s f€”king Deadpool man€™, not €˜Jesus Christ, what the hell is that?€™ And to be honest, why the hell would Deadpool€™s look even need to be changed. The X-Men I kinda get €“ I mean, yellow spandex with blue undies on top is hardly intimidating. Same kinda goes for the image make-over€™s we€™ve seen in DC€™s recent film slate. But Deadpool just looks badass. He€™s a god damn red and black ninja with guns €“ how is that not marketable? If Fox wants to move forward with this franchise it needs to go all the way, and the look is key. But it€™s not the most important thing a Deadpool movie needs. More than anything else - more than the look, the sound, the cast and the meta-humour €“ the one thing a Deadpool movie needs to truly kick ass is...

Writer, philosopher and evil-genius who loves writing about all things geek or newsy - while preparing for the inevitable robot-apocalypse. Trust me kids, it'll happen before the zombies. Follow him for non-sensical ramblings on Twitter @TheGospelofAsif.