10 Established Actors Who Completely Failed At Being Action Stars

8. Chris Klein

John Cusak action
20th Century Fox Television

Attempts: Rollerball (2002), Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li (2009), Game of Aces (2016)

You know your action career has no legs when its biggest high point is having starred in "the worse Street Fighter movie". Now, if the only requirement to being an action star was having the biceps of a college football running back and the hair of a Greek goddess, then Klein would be unstoppable. Unfortunately for him, there's a bit more to it.

Chris Klein does not have a way with words. Which is fine, really. Half the action icons of the 80s couldn't form a complete sentence with a gun to their heads. But you at least have to know your way around a one-liner.

A supercut of every line Klein's character, Charlie Nash, speaks in Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li movie was lovingly assembled by videographer Jeff Rubin. It's...a bit of a problem.

If you can't see why Klein's career as a badass action star never took off, I recommend re-watching that video, this time with the sound on. And trust me, that assemblage might actually be better than the totality of Rollerball.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.