10 Established Actors Who Completely Failed At Being Action Stars

7. Eric Roberts

John Cusak action
Taurus Entertainment

Attempts: Best of the Best (1989), Best of the Best 2 (1993), half of all movies made ever since

Of all the deeply-aged former actions stars to be cast in an Expendables movie, Eric Roberts feels like the oddest man out. (Well, aside from Kelsey Grammer. But at least he played an X-Man.) Maybe it's because he's less a "star" than a utility player.

Despite how wildly out of his element he appeared as a martial artist in the Best of the Best movies -- flailing about like a failed Twyla Tharp apprentice going through a serious midlife crisis --casting directors just kept shoving Eric Roberts into situations where he had to convince viewers he doesn't hire guys off Craigslist to punch people for him.

Then again, these haven't been the most high-profile affairs. It's clear after scrolling through Roberts' wrist cramp-inducing IMDB page that he's never turned down a job in his life. Of the more than 500 credits to his name, about a quarter of them could be loosely considered action flicks.

And the best of those movies don't have Roberts doing much more than a brisk walk to the bar, let alone kickboxing someone's shins into oblivion.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.