10 Even More Movie Scenes Shot For Real

9. The Corn Was Planted For This Scene - Interstellar

Ong Bak
Warner Bros. Pictures

It was already highlighted in a prior version of this very list - and will be a few more times in this one - that the masterful Christopher Nolan will often do whatever it takes to keep CGI and digital VFX away from his precious movies.

With that in mind, you'll no doubt remember that tremendous sequence during the sci-fi epic that was Interstellar when Matthew McConaughey's Joseph Cooper is seen chasing down a drone through acres of crops.

But rather than opt for a digital field to send that truck speeding through, Nolan desired some real corn, of course.

So, after watching Zack Snyder's Man of Steel and that movie's fields of corn, the mind behind the Dark Knight Trilogy asked his fellow superhero feature director how much you could genuinely grow practically (via THR).

After discovering how they'd managed to drop 100 acres of real crop for that Superman picture, the Interstellar team found a suitable location just outside of Calgary and ended up not only growing corn, but producing enough to actually make money from.

This was, as Nolan put it, down to the fact they didn't actually destroy enough of the plants during the pulsating moments when stunt guys would go crashing through the crops for real for the sequence.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...